Chopped ‘anything goes’ coleslaw salad

This is it my go salad that I always have in the fridge, it’s a kind of coleslaw I suppose.  I basically just chop up whatever’s in the fridge and serve it alongside most meals.  The trick is to chop everything really small, which means you get a bit of everything in each bite…

I have a brilliant mandolin by Joseph Joseph – it was really cheap – if fact I bought it with my ‘Flybys’ points, so free! They’re about $30 and a great investment – watch the fingers and always use the guard (which I should remember too – eeekkk). 

Here's the link if you’re interested

This salad will keep for a couple of days in the fridge , so make plenty and serve with other meals.  To keep it super fresh, I store it in a decent sized Sistema box covered with a damp piece of kitchen roll / handy towel.

You can add any of the dressings from the ‘dressings’ page to suit the meal you’re serving, but only add to the salad you’ll be serving immediately, not the stored salad as it goes mushy.  I also often serve it with some lightly toasted nuts and seeds, but again wait until serving so they stay nice and crunchy.

Prep time:  5 mins (depending on your knife skills!)      Serves: 6 (ish)



·        1/8 Red cabbage finely shredded (I always use a mandolin for this)

·        1/8 White cabbage finely shredded

·        1/8 head of broccoli finely shredded

·        3 florets of cauliflower finely shredded

·        ½ a small fennel bulb finely shredded

·        ¼ red onion – wafer thin slices

·        ¼ Cucumber – finely diced

·        ¼ Courgette – finely diced

·        1 apple – finely diced

·        ¼ red pepper – finely diced

·        1 carrot – grated

·        ¼ cup each of coriander, parsley, basil, mint – you guessed it, finely chopped

·        A tbls each of black and white sesame, pumpkin & sunflower seeds


·        Chop all ingredients as detailed above and mix well (but gently, so as not to bruise) in a large bowl and set aside until ready to serve.

·        Toast the seeds, over a low heat and watch like a hawk, they burn very quickly, beginning with the pumpkin and sunflower and then add the sesame seeds.

·        To serve, add the nuts and dress with one of the dressings from the ‘dressing’ recipes in here…. Or one of your own favourite dressings.



My Guacamole